Microbiota & Medicine of Tomorrow - The Revolution: Comments by Prof. Marvin Edeas

The chairman of the scientific committee of the International Society of Microbiota (ISM), Prof. Marvin Edeas (Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, France), explained the new topics of the 7th edition of Targeting Microbiota. The Microbiota and microbiome transforming deeply our understanding of Medicine of tomorrow. It is really a revolution which allow us to re-think and re-design our strategies about the way we will prevent and treat many diseases and pathologies. 

Among the strategic questions which will debated:

 - how all big data generated by microbiota sequencing can be used?

- Can we talk about Artificial Intelligence and microbiota medicine?

Other topics which are important to discuss with the scientific committee are the many tests and devices in the market (which target the general public) to collect, sequence and analyse human (and animals) Microbiota. They propose systematically the utilisation of huge amount of probiotics and products.


Prof. Peter C. Konturek - President of ISM will highlight many questions during the 7th edition of Targeting Microbiota 2019.


