Health improvements of type 2 diabetic patients through diet and diet plus fecal microbiota transplantation

gut microbiota type 2 diabetes

Heat map of identified key genus responding to the treatments and Spearman's correlation between identified genus and biochemical indices.

This study discusses the impact of diet, alone or with fecal microbiota transplantation, on Type 2 diabetes.

Gut microbiota dysbiosis has been implicated in the emergence of Type 2 diabetes (T2D), a major public health problem in humans. Dietary interventions can modulate intestinal microbiota and indirectly influence the health status of patients with type 2 diabetes. 

Today, fecal microbiota transplantation is becoming familiar as a new medical treatment that can rapidly improve intestinal health. Su, L. et al. conducted a 90-day controlled open-label trial to evaluate the health improvement ability of a specially designed diet, and the diet combined with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT).

According to their study, both diet and diet plus FMT treatments showed great potential in controlling blood glucose and blood pressure levels.

Thus, the specially designed diet is beneficial to improve blood glucose control in diabetic patients, it also showed the potential to reverse dyslipidemia and dysarteriotony.

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Targeting Microbiota 2022 Congress
October 19-21, 2022- Paris, France